Example of a step-by-step Bible study
Example of a step-by-step Bible study!
Below you can find an example of a step-by-step basic Bible study.
Example of a step-by-step Bible study:
1. Access an Interlinear Bible: Link: biblegateway.com (interlinear Bible)
2. Start a study for example on the word "dove":
3. Select all the verses that have the word "dove":
4. Open Google Drive: Link for "Google Drive" website
5. Create a new "Google Docs":
6. Paste the verses into the "Google Docs":
7. Add space between each verse ("enter" key at the end of each verse):
8. Create a title above a verse:
9. Create a title above every other verse:
10. Create titles that group the created titles:
This very simple study example allows you to have a global view on a studied subject while letting the Bible speak for itself.
It is possible, for example, to continue the study by answering questions related to the word studied: When? How? Where? Why?
You are free to explore other possibilities according to your needs and the tools that you will use.
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